Nana's Angels Day Care
w/ Pre-K
Saugerties/Glasco (Riccardi School District)
Part-time Socialization
Before school only
Before/After School

Full-time year-round, ages 6 weeks to 5 years.
Part-time, ages 2-4, a.m. social time 9:15-11:30,
8:45-2:45, or full day drop in when space allows
Before only Riccardi School District. 7:30-8:15. 2hr delays and snow days based on ratios, call for availability for each event.
Before/After School, ages 6-12. Riccardi School Distict.
This includes coverage for delayed openings, early
release, snow days and vacation coverage.
Summer, all children. "Camp style"

Academic Enrichment
​​Library Books available on site for student use.
In house lending library.
Scholastic Book Club purhasing available if requested.
Summer Reading Program in conjunction with
Riccardi Elementary School
Give Kim a call:
